2012 Annual General Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2012 | No Comments
  • The Greensboro Fat Tire Society
  • 2012 Annual General Meeting Minutes
  • 2/9/2012
  • The Loft @ Natty Greene’s
  • 7:00 - 8:30 pm
  1. The meeting was called to order by GFTS President Jimmy "Wu" Hackenberg at 19:00. The GFTS Board Of Directors were then introduced. It was announced that Dale Holder would be resigning from the board. Over the years he has stayed active in club affairs like the bod, racing, and public relations, we look forward to the day he can once again return.
  2. Presidents Report: 2011 accomplishments talked about in detail with shout-outs to the Chairpersons... The Minions Group Ride, IMBA Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day, Scout Pack #409 Skills Ride,
    Club Camp Trip/ Wlkesboro, GFTS Fat Tire Patrol, National Trails Day, IMBA/ SORBA Integration.

    It was explained why the IMBA/SORBA merger was healthy for the club going forward; Insurance, IMBA Database access, and the Trail Care Crew tops on the list.
  3. Vice President Report : Susan Thomas talked about goals for the 15th Annual Sizzler, one of which included obtaining a cash sponsor for the Pro Class. The Zone and some of the ongoing work was also pointed out.
  4. Race Discussions : Greensboro race teams made a call-out for new members and John Bovine talked about the GFTS Piedmont Youth Mountain Bike League PYMBL) in great detail.
  5. Treasurer Report : Mark Gatehouse reported on 2011 financials and how we stand for 2012. Also, informed us that the Bark Park (at CP) for the moment would remain in the same area, and we would explore our original plans of a pumptrack at Lake Higgins. Mark also explained some difficulties experienced with the new Kingfisher Trail. A brief outline was discussed on our IMBA Trail Crew Visit and what that visit would bring to the Triad.
  6. 2012 GFTS Committees : 8 Committees were announced in total.  
    1. Youth Mountain Biking (Take A Kid Mountain Biking, PYMBL, The Minions Ride)
    2. Communications (newsletter)
    3. Trails
    4. Nominations
    5. National Trails Day
    6. Camp Trips
    7. Socials (Cookouts, Group Rides)
    8. Land Manager and Memorandum of Understanding
      At this time the meeting was running 15min. over and a vote was taken to finish the agenda. A majority vote could
    not be reached. It was then determined by to get contact information for the committee breakout session,
    for an email user group to hold subsequent brainstorming sessions. 15 minutes was added to the night to discuss
    Trails. The importance of the Trail Care Crew visit was discussed in further detail. The goals of the TCC visit are to:  
    1. Learn about the latest in sustainable trail design and how it can be incorporated into designing both new trail and upgrading our existing trails.
    2. Train current and new Trail Captains so we can have more people leading a wider variety of both maintenance, renovation, and new trail projects. This would potentially enable us to schedule more workdays over the course of the 7 months that are best for trail work.
      Having more trained captains and more members who understand the fundamentals of trail building will improve the clubs ability to have a larger, higher quality trail system. A member of the club stated that they would be unable to attend the TCC workshop and ask if that would preclude their involvement in building and development. It was reiterated that they could still contact Jimmy or Mark Gatehouse to be added to the trail flagging committee led by Mark. Questions were also ask about the Zone and some of the bordering land behind the ball park for expansion of features. Susan Thomas explained that the area immediately near the fence could not be used. However, the large gully could be expanded into but would require a lot of work due to amount of dead fall trees etc.. Members interested in being involved with the Zone should contact Susan or her son Mike. The meeting adjourned at 21:00.  

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