Rich Fork workday #1

Please come out for this important workday for the new Rich Fork trail!


Register now! Click here!

Where:407 West Parris AvenueHigh Point, North Carolina 27262

At the end of the street you will see a gravel driveway with a "No Trespassing" sign. (The Preserve is not yet open to the public, only for our workdays. Go in the drive and take the fork to the left. The parking area is at the top of the hill.

All attendee’s will need to sign waiver before working and to qualify for future prize drawing.

When: Workday starts at 8:30 AM. Can't make it in the morning come out any time during the day to help.
Lunch: Will be provided for all registered participants.
Good physical health
Work or hiking boots (sturdy shoes required).
Work gloves
Long pants
Please bring water and a snack.

What tools do I need to bring?
You can bring loppers, garden or leaf rake, rogue hoe, or long handled shovel if you have one. We will also have tools available for all registered volunteers.

I can only stay two hours is that okay?

I can’t make this workday, when is the next day scheduled?
March 3.

Fat Tire Social

Thursday, January 18, 2018 @ 7pm

Natty Greene's Kitchen and Market

Another casual social at Natty Greene's Kitchen and Market.

Come hangout and meet some new riding buddies!

We will try to grab a table upstairs.

Piedmont Fat Tire Society

Annual Member Meeting

When: Wednesday, February 7, 2018, 6-9pm

Where: Loft above W on Elm 324 South Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 27401

Come join us for the Piedmont Fat Tire Society Annual Member Meeting!

The meeting will be held at the Loft above the W on Elm in downtown Greensboro. Doors open at 6:00 and the meeting will go from 7:00pm until approximately 9:00pm. Refreshments are available in the Loft area and food can be purchased from the restaurant downstairs.

We will be discussing the previous year's accomplishments, plans for the coming year, and of course awarding one or two Golden Gnomes!

There will be great socializing and raffle prizes so be sure to come out and bring a friend.

Alright Fat Tire family. Thanks to the generosity and partnership with our wonderful local bike shops, we are giving away one $100 and two $50 gift cards at our annual meeting. You need to be a current member by 2/4/2018. There is considerably more to give away, this is a portion that only PFTS members qualify for. JOIN NOW, there is still time!

As always the best way to show your support for mountain biking in the Piedmont is to become a member! So please join today!

Kingfisher Trail Workday

Saturday January 13, 2018

Kingfisher Big Dig 4 Trail Building - Register now!

Weather is looking promisingfor the first workday of 2018!

We have 1/4 mile of trail to build to connect the existing Kingfisher trail to the mile of new trail that we've been building over the last several workdays. We need a large turnout to complete the job. Bring a friend!

Lets have a huge turnout and get this completed!

There is no on site parking. We'll be shuttling to/from the work site. Click the registration link for more info.

 Register now! 

Kingfisher Trail Workday

Saturday December 16, 2017

Kingfisher Big Dig 3 Trail Building - Register now!

Weather is looking great for this Saturday for the final workday of 2017!

Lets have a huge turnout and see how much we can complete!

There is no on site parking. We'll be shuttling to/from the work site. Click the registration link for more info.

We have 1/2 mile of trail to build to connect the existing Kingfisher trail to the 3/4 mile of new trail that we've been building over the last several workdays. We need a large turnout to complete the job. Bring a friend!

 Register now! 


Kingfisher Trail Workday

Saturday December 9, 2017

Unfortunately, the weather keeps getting worse.

Workday is CANCELED.

Watch for a new date soon.

Copyright © 2025 by Piedmont Fat Tire Society, All Rights Reserved.

Website by Dig Designs
