Board Members for 2015 Scott Schneider/President, Mark Gatehouse/Treasurer, Matt Hoffman/Communications, Matt Schweitzer, Tony McGee, Chris Pieck, Watts Dixon
In 2014 our goals were to: increase membership, improve communication, and start regular rides led by a board member of the FTS. In the past 12 months, our membership has increased from 75 to 142. Most of those are new members. We have revamped our website to put out relevant information and a current calendar of events and we have started a Saturday ride group that has become very popular. In 2014 we participated in the Banff Mountain Film Festival and National Trails Day. We hosted the Sizzler Mountain Bike Race, Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, and the Burn the Turkey Benefit for Second Harvest Food Bank.
In 2015, our goals are still to increase membership, and to have more social events, starting with the FTS meetup event at Revolution Cycles on March 7, from 5-8 pm. Come meet new people and share your vision for the FTS.
We’re going to increase the number of member meetings to improve community through increased member-to-member and member-to-board communication. Our next one is proposed to be May 11, at 7pm, more information will be announced. We want to improve on our ongoing goal to increase children’s programming as part of the FTS. We are in the process of ordering new tee shirts and are starting the process for new jerseys.
The event schedule for 2015 begins with the FTS meet-up event at Revolution Cycles on March 7th. The Banff Film Festival is on March 29. This year is the 20th anniversary of the Bald Eagle Trail. On April 28, we will have a trail rededication event. May 20th is the Ride of Silence. June 6th is National Trails Day. August 9th is the Sizzler. October 3rd will be Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day. Burn the Turkey will be November 28th.
Matt Hoffman – We have a new email List. Please go to our website to sign up for emailed trail news and events.
Mark Gatehouse – This year has been about advocacy. We are constantly fighting to gain access to natural land and to keep what we have. We are currently in discussion with the City, the County, and State Parks to keep or increase access in those areas. The good news is that these conversations have been productive. There continues to be a lot of work on the Bald Eagle trail in preparation for the rededication April 25th. The King Fisher trail continues to be on hold and will not be a trail priority for 2015. The grant process will start fresh in 2016. We hope to get funding then to start the rest of King Fisher.
Tom Sauret SORBA/IMBA- Tom spoke of the change of direction for mountain bike chapters. In many cases trails have been built and the need for immediate action advocacy has lessened. Mountain bike chapters are evolving into groups focused on community. Children’s and women’s programs are increasing. Rides and get togethers are becoming the emphasis and not work days. Don’t get me wrong, there are still plenty of work days. That is the case with this group and it is a model to succeed.
2014 Golden Gnome awards- Jason Millington, Matt Hoffman/runner up, Dale Brown/Lifetime Achievement Gnome
Laura Peoples with BIG spoke about how BIG represents all aspects of cycling, including mountain biking. She said they are there to support us.
GFTS Board Meeting 3/28/14
Location: The councilman residence
Meeting called to order at 7:02pm
Members Present: Jeff Councilman, Mark Gatehouse, Scott Schneider, Matt Schweitzer, Tony McGee, Bri Simpson, Chris Pieck, and Matt Hoffman <guest>
Will Holt has resigned from the board.
Discussion over board responsibilities and expectations- This discussion was tabled until we can come up with a clear definition of where we want the chapter to go.
Tony McGee recommended that we hold a board member retreat to help define the goals of the chapter and the responsibilities of the board members. Bri Simpson said she knows someone that leads retreats and will contact them.
IMBA/SORBA support- IMBA will supply posters, postcards, business cards, and mailers to chapters with custom information. Jeff will decide on the layout for the first order so that we can get it in expediently. Any adjustments that we decide on can be made in future orders.
Chris Pieck Recommended that we focus on membership for the 2014 calendar year. This would involve creating a goal for the year in membership numbers, events geared toward getting our name out there and building a list of potential members and actually enlisting members. Possible opportunities include the first Friday in May and partnering with Trek for Grasshopper games.
The board has agreed to review the upcoming events by email.
The board has agreed to check out the website and send any feedback by email.
National Trails Day- I have requested that we get a GFTS pop-up in time for trails day. Mark made a motion that we buy a pop-up if the cost is less than $1000. Matt Schweitzer seconded the motion. Chris Pieck agreed to make contact with his vendor to make it happen.
We will be coordinating with REI and TREK for National Trails Day. GFTS will be hosting rides of various difficulties. REI will be teaching classes, and TREK will have demo bikes on site for people to ride. I will be responsible for getting waivers signed.
The next calendared trail work day will be building a bridge on Owl’s Roost.
There have been no financial changes since the last board meeting.
Scott has agreed to research getting a tablet for the Chapter. This would be for membership sign up and volunteer tracking.
The chapter is not pursuing grants at this time.
Matt Schweitzer has volunteered to pursue getting our MOU’s with the city and county. Matt has agreed to have notable progress by June and has a specific deadline for the next scheduled board meeting.
Tony McGee made a motion that we change the frequency of our meetings to every two months. Bri Simpson seconded the motion and added that we have a board member ride on the off months. Tony requested that we allow teleconferencing for these meetings in order to increase attendance.
The secretary’s report included a briefing on the SORBA summit and discussion of two police projects. The first is a police bicycle ride along program and the second is a possible bicycle skills park under the cedar street bridge. Notes on the SORBA summit were provided to all attendees.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40pm.
Greensboro Fat Tire Society
Annual Meeting
The Worx Restaurant
106 Barnhardt St.
7:25 Meeting Start
Introduction of the President – Mark Gatehouse
Presidents Remarks – Jeff Councilman
President’s priorities for 2014
Communication; Communication from the board to the members, more member involvement and input
Website; Revamping of the GFTS website and improved content
Calendar; An accessible calendar that will allow the members of the Fat Tire Society advanced knowledge of events that the chapter is involved in.
Trail advocate Remarks – Mark Gatehouse
Membership; Membership is 76 as of two weeks ago. This is down from 125 at last year’s meeting.
REI grant and support status for 2014
BANFF Mountain Film Festival March 16th 2014
Events for 2014 Battle of the Bikes, Sizzler, Take a Kid Mountain Biking, Burn the Turkey
Trail work for 2013; Shady Side and Reedy Fork connector trail as well as maintaining existing trails.
Secretary Report – Scott Schneider
Bicycle Pedestrian MPO project, Thank you to the WORX
Guest Speaker – Madeline Carey Parks and Recreation Trails Manager
Yanceyville Rd parking lot is moving forward and should be complete in approximately 120 days
Signage is being redone to add GFTS to trailhead signs. Signs are up making Shady Side one way and bike only.
National Trails day is in planning for this year
North Carolina Bicycling conference will be held at UNCG
New Trail Maps are done
Awards Presenter – Matt Schweitzer
Golden Gnome - Jimmy “Wu” Hackenberg
Golden Volunteer Gnome – Anton Knoll
Golden Stone – Faster Jason
The Greensboro Fat Tire Society
Board Meeting Agenda
The J. Douglas Gaylon Bus Depot
236 E. Washington St
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Meeting began at 7pm. Jeff Councilman, Mark Gatehouse, Matt Schwitzer, and Scott Schneider were in attendance.
A recommendation was made to dispense with the reading of last meetings minutes by Mark Gatehouse and seconded by Matt Schwitzer.
Jeff Councilman introduced himself and stated that his priorities were membership and communication.
A. SORBA Report (See Attached)
B. Race Report: Date and location chosen. Seeking direction from Southern Classic
The signage for Shady Side are partially done and need to be installed. We need to get closure gates for Shady Side, closing it for the winter, and trail closure gates for Reedy Fork and Blue Heron. There will be a trail work day January 25th.
We should be receiving a donation from the Lake Side trail race.
The president’s names are being switched out on the bank accounts.
We have 10,000 in checking and an additional 20,000 in a business account. We are up 12,000 for the year.
A vote will be taken to purchase work day banners and a tent.
We will be requesting quotes to make stickers and get the maps to give out.
We will be asking for bids for a webmaster.
The annual meeting will be either Feb. 10th or 11th.
In attendance:
James Hackenberg, Susan Thomas, Mark Gatehouse, Kara Montgomery, Dale Brown, Watts Dixon, Matthew Schweitzer, Chris Peck.
Dan Trull, Curtis Adkins, Will Holt
Copyright © 2025 by Piedmont Fat Tire Society, All Rights Reserved.
Website by Dig Designs